i have the best intentions. i really do. i try to plan ahead, but before you know it, it is the last minute and i am rushing to get things done. luckily, i usually pull it off, but it doesn't mean things don't get lost in the shuffle. this year, with a new baby, easter the week before a birthday, and josh's busy season starting in february, i have been a bit off my game.
on thursday, miller missed his easter egg hunt at school because it was moved up and mommy was franticly trying to get teacher gifts, extra eggs for other classes, bottles for spencer, and every other thing under the sun done before drop off. it broke my heart! i literally threw him over a fence while kids grabbed all the eggs off the playground. he looked like a deer in headlights. i felt horrible. the thing was-i checked the schedule on tuesday because i knew i would be late with all the stuff i had committed to, but they moved it up and i am still sad about it.
so, fast forward to saturday morning, and i realize we haven't gone to see the easter bunny. ugh! seriously?? but we plan to go to the botanic gardens for their annual easter event, so i deal with it. we put the kids down for an early nap, wake them up, and get them dressed in time for the egg hunt. we get there just as their age group finishes. ugh! seriously?? i am about to lose it! but, josh decides we will just let them fight it out in the 6-9 year old age group. josh strategizes with them and they head out:


miller grabs a blue egg

carter stops to wave

they are too sweet and naive to participate in this age group-look at the "kid" on the right. do you see him buttoning up his shirt after stuffing it full of eggs? really??

carter makes her way back, but where is miller??

there he is

mommy to the rescue. he was heart broken because other kids got blue eggs, too. he wanted them all. bless his heart! his little basket had 6 blue eggs in it. i felt horrible! still do . . .

quality time opening eggs made everyone feel better, so we headed off to see what else we could find.

carter posing in the tulips. where did she learn this pose?

trying to teach miller how to pose

not interested

so sweet

the bunny picture, after much coercion.

obstacle cours

sack races

bunny faces

*we didn't forget we have three children, but spencer slept through the entire event.
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