as the parent of three children and a bible believing christian, i feel the need to do my part in caring for our planet. God gave us the earth and as his people, i believe we should take care of it. unlike many tree huggers, i do not believe that it will go away if we do not. i believe only God can do that. just as i should take care of my body even though God will choose when it will no longer be needed. all that said, we still try to do our part here by recycling cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, etc. we try not to litter or waste materials and so on. i am sure we can do more. and, we try to incorporate things as we become more aware.
i know many people use these:

but then, i found these:

saves money
safe for the earth
healthier alternative
the same benefits apply to these i am sure, but, really.
and, i don't care how cute the fabric print is, that's just gross!