over time, other friends and bloggers have inquired about our crafts and so we thought what if we put them all in one place. what if we created a crafty blog where each of us posted our final product with details and tutorials? and so it all began. but first, we had to take care of the details.
we wanted a fun name. we wanted she's crafty. but of course it's taken. whatever. so jennifer and i attempted to think of a creative, kitschy little name. when our over worked baby brains gave us absolutely nothing, we requested the help of our very creative, ridiculously funny husbands. here are a few of their suggestions:
meet the smockers
but, umm, we don't smock
kiss my craft
hmm, a bit inappropriate
are we crafty? i gesso
a little long and do you even know what gesso is??
who gives a craft?
seriously might be my favorite, but once again . . .
then it just went downhill from there. i guess that is what we get from enlisting their help during march madness. so, it was left to us to come up with something. after much discussion and little chance that she's crafty would come available, we settled on martha mondays. why?
because, like i said, we meet on mondays and, when we do so, we try to channel our inner martha, and, daily, the biblical martha. so, if you are looking for a little craftiness, come check it out!
if you had to read this story twice because you follow more than one of our blogs, i sincerely apologize. so, how about a sneak peek of my easter projects:

sweet! a new blog to read!
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