a few weeks ago, josh had several friend shoots at the collierville town square. we thought it might help with some of the kids if ours were out there to help distract and play. it was frigid! it just so happened that santa was in the pavilion and they had free carriage rides. once they found all those distractions, the kids hardly noticed the cold. here are a few of ours that were shot along the way.

carter on the train tracks. i love the way the wind is blowing her hair.

miller's feet. i think josh and i might have a shoe fetish because we are always taking pictures of the kids' feet. but, seriously, how cute??

miller was ecstatic about santa. he ran up there and waited so patiently. well, once we grabbed him and held him still until it was his turn. he didn't even have anything to say, he just wanted to see him.

carter, on the other hand, not so much. we coaxed her up there for the photo op, but notice how tightly she is pinching her brother's arm. i guess he will be her protector even if he is younger.

and, here is carter on the carriage ride with her sweet teacher, ms. jennifer, and her daughter, emma.
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