i have always heard wonderful things about the alpine village at trinity baptist church. this year, we thought we would try it out. they set up a little village of shops in their gym and it is quite magical for the kids. right after entering the doors, we went into the living nativity. carter was so amazed. they let the children walk right up to the baby jesus who was a "breathing" doll. once inside the village, we visited all the little shops and made reindeer food, angel ornaments, gingerbread cookies, etc. there were three men dressed up as wise men and carrying gifts to baby jesus. miller was in awe of these enormously tall "kings" who let him look and touch and smell baby jesus' gifts. then, we played in the "snow".

a little girl just walked up an attacked miller with a ton of snow. he was not impressed at all. bless his heart, this is only the beginning!

look at their sweet faces (and my chubby one!)

then, to finish the night, we visited santa, again! this time, they spoke to him and told him what they wanted. carter said she wanted makeup. this is what she asked santa for last year. i really don't know why, but she is constantly saying she doesn't know what she wants santa to bring her. she made a christmas list in october from the american girl catalog, but she said it was only for grammie and papa joe-ha! miller, on the other hand, has but one request- "a choo-choo train you can ride on and say, 'all are-born!'" seriously! you would think the kids had watched too many silver spoon reruns because we have no idea where he conjured up this gift. stay tuned to see if miller will be the next ricky!
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