memorial day weekend we took a trip to the zoo with jennifer & avery (david was at a conference in london). the craziest part was driving in one car. we always joke that we should carpool and with the cost of gas, we may have to in the fall. so on this particular venture, we decided to put three britax car seats across the middle row of our expedition-that is what we should have taken a picture of. the kids loved it. anyway . . . back to the zoo-we had a blast even though it was hot and sticky.

miller loved the butterfly exhibit and we had to pull him out of the flower beds as he chased them through the garden.

miller was also fascinated with the elephants this trip-just look at his face!
Love the pics Maribeth! Glad you have started your blog up again :) The recital pics are precious. Good to know what's going on. Blessings, ejw
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