with the joy of having a baby this year (well, technically she was born last year, but she won't be a year until after christmas ;) is the not so great joy of making another christmas stocking. when i thought about how much i didn't want to make one, i somehow decided to make three.
my parents would tell you math is not my forte.
my idea was compounded by the most amazing fabric i found in the late summer. at first, i was just going to buy a fat quarter, but i decided to buy a yard for some reason. apparently, it was for this:
isn't this fabric sweet? i combined it with some vintage chenille, some twill tape and bells to create a bigger, more relaxed stocking (just what my kids need-more toys!).

of course, this fabric was not going to make the perfect stocking for a little boy, so i made one that looked like this:

i planned to add their initial hanging down with the bells, but i kinda ran out of time so i decided i could add it next year if i still wanted to.
and, since i haven't yet, i will leave you with a few images of christmas at our house:
jingle bells

tinsel tree decorated with my vintage knee hugger collection
vintage pink & aqua ornaments and an accordion paperback prettied up with a vintage pin

sherbert green milk glass santa fairy light
a vintage holiday card and the little house i made
we have two other trees as well, but the only pictures i have of them were taken by carter. what's that? you want to see them, too. okay, but just remember, these are not the cleaned up, so now you can take pictures type of pictures. these are the sure, you can take a few pictures, just let mommy check her email for a few minutes and sit down for a second after a full day at preschool type of pictures. you know what i mean, right?
this is our family tree complete with random toys and after school sonic treat on the side table. this tree is pre-children and full of breakable little bits and pieces begging to be touched. as much as some people say give in go kid friendly, my love of christmas says just add another tree. so we did . . .
i'm letting it all hang out now. this picture is before the advent calendar was introduced and the junk board was cleaned up. and, the pink tree currently resides at my parents house as both kids got new ones from michael's for super cheap. but, the green tree, the green tree is a favorite of mine as it looks like dr.suess to me and is full of all the fun, kid-created ornaments i receive each year from preschool. it resides in the playroom across from my craft spot so i have had lots of time to look at it recently!
okay, i still have shopping to do and gifts to wrap, so that concludes the tour. next stop . . . target. again.
merry christmas eve eve!
merry christmas eve eve!
Love the stockings!!! Are stockings really that hard? You will have to fill me in on the details because I am thinking about making some for next year. I'm thinking if you think they are terrible, it will probably be impossible for me! Ha!
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