Saturday, August 8

another day at the zoo

we love the zoo. we especially love the zoo on unseasonably cool summer days in june. there are so many words in that sentence that do not go together when you live in the armpit of the south. so, on one of said days, we loaded up in the beast (my expedition) with meme and papaw and headed on over. 
spencer is already expressing her dislike to hand-me-downs (hat circa 2005)
this is our new favorite treat at the zoo. for 51 cents, you too may have one.
miller was our tour guide
and, here is spencer gazing up at her papaw. isn't it precious!
one more angle-i just love her sweet look!
and, for good measure, miller running. and running. and running.

it's a good way to spend several hours and ensure naps for all. as a stay at home momma, i only wish there were more places that could guarantee those two things. especially for free (after our gifted family membership). 

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