Friday, August 7

still in need

i have not blogged this week like i had planned. honestly, i have not wanted to move down the post i put up last. i think i may leave it at the top for a while (if i can figure it out) so if you use google reader, you will know i posted, but if you don't you may think i haven't posted in forever. my last post about elizabeth weighs heavy on my heart. elizabeth was the first shoot josh did with habitat for hope. they were in a great place-elizabeth was in remission, but the hospital had received enough of a certain drug that would allow elizabeth to receive a bone marrow transplant from her own father. this transplant would greatly increase elizabeth's chances of staying in remission. when they met, her father had already donated the cells and elizabeth was to receive them the next week. this sweet family had an amazing unwavered faith and if you read any of their story, you will stand in awe of their trust that God is in control. elizabeth's father called josh to thank him while they were doing the transplant and has called to wish him a merry christmas and happy easter. like i said, this family is so sweet. this summer has been bumpy for them, but last week revealed that elizabeth had a dangerous fungus and yesterday, they removed the right frontal lobe of her brain. my heart is heavy for this family and i continue to ask you to pray for them. pray for God to heal her here on earth. pray for the miracle she desperately needs. pray. pray. pray.

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