with the combination of an infant and the sweltering heat and humidity that reeks havoc here each summer, activities outside have been limited for us. sometimes being cooped up inside all day makes my kids (and mommy!) a little crazy. (well, more like all the time.) being bored and somewhat inactive all day also makes for difficult to put to bed kids. so, one night i said put on your pajamas and let's all go outside. after josh got over the initial shock of spending the first couple of hours home from work sweating outside with no visible results in the yard, our time looked a little like this:

bright colors,

sweet drawings

and hopscotch!

we hopped,

tried to hop

and hopped some more.

we learned how to play hopscotch,

successfully hopscotched

and dreamed of hopscotching.
when one activity was coming to a close, we came up with another one:

we discussed form,


and sportmanship.
tennis has become a family favorite. of course, none of this tired them out like i had hoped, but short of running sprints, i'm not sure anything would. and, who knows, we may have the next maria or andy on our hands . . .
how fun...and hot. and seriously, miss spencer is killing me with her cuteness.