so, um yeah, we are just keepin' it real here in blogland! if you read the entire title which includes the date of the photos, you are probably thinking to yourself, "her first bath was january 31st, wasn't she born on december 29th?" and, yes, you would be correct!

hey, don't be a hater! she is third, and until she can take a bath with the other two, bathing her will be, well, inconvenient. just to give her this bath, someone had to empty the dishwasher to have a place to put the pile of dirty dishes in both sides of the sink and do several loads of laundry just to find the counter.

and, someone had to go in the attic and find the correct box that contained the newborn bathtub and someone else had to rinse it out. we also wanted for the
weather to warm up just a bit as not to scar her mentally from taking a warm bath in a frigid, old home.

and, honestly, we waited that long because we just never had time to do it before. i know it is sad, but life is a little hectic with three children and a husband who works multiple jobs! and, it's not like newborns get dirty!

just look at that sweet face. doesn't she look precious and happy and clean!
she is so beautiful!!!
Honey...there is NO judgment! Kerrington is good to get a bath every three to four days. I get the washcloth out when I get her dressed, but there are not enough hours in the day. She is adorable. I love her little nose. :)
She is so pretty! I think she looks a little like Miller, but of course more girly! You can tell that already.
Love the crafts. But gotta get over and see that little new one! What a charmer....even if she doesn't bathe! Don't know how you do it! Grammie
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