Monday, October 27

pumpkin patch 10.18

armed with a beautiful fall day and a daddy with a day off, we decided to spend the day at cedar hill farm. we had some friends who had enjoyed the farm during fall break, but i was determined the weather would be cooler and i would have another adult in tow before making this venture. obviously the latter being more important since it is basically a nightmare waiting to happen when you mix two small children, a big pregnant belly and a wide open environment like the farm. cedar hill has so much to do so before making the trip ensure you have enough time to do everything. we were very impressed with the festivities.
enjoying the swings
determining how tall she is
a belly shot at the petting zoo
admiring the horse
riding the train
on the tractor to the pumpkin patch
venturing into the pumpkin patch
more impressed with the wild flowers than the pumpkins

she preferred the pumpkins in the barn from the first photo. as carter scouted out the perfect mini pumpkin, miller was trying his best to escape to the food. since we doubted that they would eat what was offered, we hurried carter up and headed to the closest fast food location. (a good idea since some friends of ours waited an hour for the food they ordered.) we literally checked out with one lone mini pumpkin, the girl looked at us and cheerfully said, " these are 3 for $1. would you like to get 2 more?" josh and i looked at each other, " umm, no. just the one." we felt bad, but picking out 2 more could have caused a colossal melt down in any one of us. sometimes it is just best to appear stingy! 


  1. i can't wait to take colton to do things like that!

  2. I had no idea you guys were expecting again!!! Congrats!! The kids are getting so big and are gorgeous!!!
