Monday, October 27

midnight crafting

everyone knows one of the most common side effects of growing another human being inside your body is not being able to remember your own name, where you left your keys or your children, etc. so, it should come to no surprise that most of my crafting ideas have been halted by an absence of supplies. i had been meaning to make miller some pants and appliqued t-shirts when i realized i hadn't washed any of the shirts or fabrics. i know, i know, does that really matter? well, it just ensures a better chance at color safeness and little shrinkage later on. so, i decided since we are headed to the pumpkin patch the next day, i would whip up some pumpkin shirts. but, carter didn't even own a white t-shirt! ugh! so, after preschool, i picked up a t-shirt, came home and washed it and the fabrics and get started at approximately 11 pm. i removed my sewing machine from the case for the first time in a year at approximately midnight. i refused to do anything more than once or refresh myself on how to use the machine at all. i won't say they are my finest work which is exactly why i don't do it very often. i don't know why, but i tend to pull out the sewing machine every fall. i guess i hate to pay a lot for something my children don't get to wear for very long. by the time it gets cool enough here, they might wear it three or four times before it is time to bust out the christmas clothes. 
this is carter, barely 2, in the first pair of pants i made. i fell in love with the fabric and had to make some pants for fall. i pulled out my sewing machine, traced a pair of pants we already owned and starting stitching. i didn't know how to do a ruffle so i just sewed on some ricrac.
the next year, i added all the fabric i had left to the bottom of the hem for a long ruffle, almost too long i realized when i was finished. then, i decided to whip up a pair for miller too since i couldn't find orange gingham pants anywhere. i also got a serger for christmas inbetween so miller's actually look finished on the inside.
here they are this year. luckily carter hasn't gotten any thicker so she is able to wear those same pants again for one more year. and, these are the pumpkin shirts i whipped up at midnight. i think they turned out pretty cute, what do you think?


  1. Oh, my gosh. They are great!!! If this is "spur of the moment"....imagine what you could do with more time! Amazing!

  2. oops, somehow i changed the name of my blog. sigh. i think it's fixed now. :)

  3. Those shirts are great!!! I'd like to place an order for next fall! Hey are you planning on doing any turkey shirts???

  4. Super cute!!!!! You know, I would place an order in a heartbeat as well!
