Saturday, October 25

creative disaster #3

how many of you read jennifer's post not-so-funkins? well, it was not exaggerated! it was our monthly craft club meeting for september. we decided we should plan ahead and make our craft early because we might be busy and forget to carve a funkin in october. so, somehow i was the last to know about craft club in september so i did not buy mine at the appropriate craft store. (we all know i have craft store issues anyway!) mine is not the " funkins" brand and therefore, is a cheap piece of garbage. yeah, you heard me. junk. but, you can't go to craft club and not craft, so i decided to go ahead and carve my junk heap in hopes of learning the ropes before my next foam pumpkin carving extravaganza. oh, and the carving, that is a whole other area of craziness. luckily, i had picked up the official foam carving knife set when i purchased my pumpkin. set meaning three of the exact same miniature knife looking things they use to saw logs on the lumberjack competitions. fyi, these tiny knives make the same amount of foam sawdust as those enormous logs in the competition. i am pretty sure there should be a warning about only using in a well ventilated area and with one of those cute white masks that would have protected myself and my unborn child from any later breathing issues. and, leaves one heck of a mess to clean up. poor jennifer, we always work until we can't work anymore and leave her with the horrendous mess to clean up. this activity should have been done outside. 

back to the pumpkin, my inspiration was this adorable display in home companion magazine (pictured in bottom left). i think it turned out as good as could be expected since it looks like a foam pumpkin. i planned on buying another one, a real funkin, but have had no time since i am insanely pregnant and decided to make my children's costumes this year. seriously, i need help! 

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