in may, when we took the kids to get haircuts (well, carter got a trim), carter announced that she wanted hair "short like sophia's". um, sophia has an inverted bob that while absolutely adorable even made the youngest of three's mommy gasp in the end. "how short do you want it? are you sure? you won't be able to wear it in a ponytail or twist it between your fingers when you are tired." she was sure, but what about me? we worked so hard to get enough hair for a bow. i still remember the day a friend figured out she had enough hair for ponytails. if we cut it short, it would look the same everyday, right? we decided to wait until after her ballet recital even though she wouldn't let me put it in a bun. but still . . .
it is just so hard to trust someone bearing sharp scissors and a degree that took them less than a year to earn. how many times has my hair ever been cut to the specifications i asked for. and recently, we have had disaster after disaster with her little brother's haircuts! so i decided if we do this, we have to go all out. i decided to use the girl who cuts my hair (maribeth at ala mode). she has a little girl, maybe she will understand what we are asking. plus, i think she does a great job with my hair. so, off we went. it was just us, my parents kept miller. i got my hair washed and cut first so she could watch. the only uncomfortable part was trying to get her high enough in the chair to have her hair washed. then it was her turn. she loved it-every single second- the attention of maribeth, the attention of the other women in the salon. she received compliment after compliment about how good she was and about how cute she was and about how adorable her dress was and about how precious her hair turned out. whew! what a relief! and it is, absolutely precious (and, so easy to maintain)! she loves it! i love it! and, it is almost time to go back!

look how cute!

LOL at your Miller comment...
I love this post.
I can't imagine Carter's hair any other way now! It is sooo "her".
I love Carter's hair. It's precious! Poor Miller.... It's really not that bad. I can so relate though. John Russel has hard hair to cut and everytime we went to get in cut I ended up cutting on it when we got home until he looked pitiful. Oh well. I think I've finally figured his out now and I cut it myself.
Love the hair! Emma's hair is still too thin to do anything with like a "do". Precious!
oh my goodness...her hair is adorable. i just love the stories that go with your postings. they always make me laugh and remind me of your humor from years ago when our old group was together.
carter is just too precious with her bob! i can't wait for faith's to get to that point, we're still in fine, flyaway, awfully-close-to-a-mullet land ;)
Carter's hair is really cute... She is such a doll:) Now about miller hair (which looks cute) I totally understand about the "dum and dummer" hair cut. Abe got one of those last week as well and I just keep telling myself that it will grow out.
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