so, last week sometime we went to target as a family. while playing in the toy section, we found butterscotch. she comes with a brush and a carrot so you can brush her and feed her. and, when you do these things and more, she turns her head, neighs, moves her mouth, etc. carter was immediately fascinated . . . well, after she was scared to death. it is similar to the hokey pokey elmo relationship we have. carter talks about elmo and will admire elmo from afar, but as soon as he moves, she comes unglued. in fact, she is like this with all animated toys. i don't blame her-it's just not right.
so, back to butterscotch. carter told josh it was her horsey and she wanted to take him home. josh told her she was her horse, but because she was too big, she had to live at target and we could visit often. last night marks our fourth trip to visit "horsey, neigh". we stayed home from church today because miller has more mucus flowing from his nose than any child his size should. so, due to the lack of breakfast food, we went to mcdonald's to get something to eat. on the way home, i pointed out to carter that it was beginning to look a lot like christmas to which she replied presents (you can tell we've been working on this concept). i asked people are going to give you presents and carter replied babies and horsey neigh. so, for all of you thinking about buying us this $300 pony, don't because it would only live in the closet with hokey pokey elmo.
So, does this mean I can't buy the pony????
Whoa! Ya'll really got after it huh? Love the updates your two are simply adorable. So is Carter in my niece, Abby's, preschool class at GBC? Just wondering. Abby turned 2 in June. So cute! Enjoy those little ones...I too love the bed head pic of Carter...precious!!!!!!!!!! ejw PS- Would you pleae tell Josh's parents hello...it was fun to see them in some pics...good 'ole GBC HS trips! Where do they live now?
thanks, ej! actually carter & miller both go to hope pres where i teach 4s two days a week. and, josh's rents live in a suburb of atlanta. we love keeping up with y'all, too!
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