Wednesday, November 3

our little kicker

we let the kids pick one activity to participate in when they turn 3. sometimes, it is something necessary but disliked, like swim lessons, and sometimes, it is something they would like to try like ballet

this year, miller chose soccer.
 it began in september. september in memphis is constantly a uv code red or whatever indicating that children and the elderly and pets and anyone with common sense should not be outside.
 and, soccer was on sundays from 2-3 p.m. nice.
 on day one, miller was so excited to be at soccer.
 so excited, he randomly gave thumbs up to strangers.
 he ran and ran.
 while his personal cheerleader . . .
 cheered and cheered.
 he appeared to have some moves. we saw promise.
 then, the leaves began to fall . . .
 and the weather began to cool . . .
 and soccer became not so exciting. maybe it was the lack of naps. it was on sundays, so we were all making that sacrifice.
 miller followed through--a life lesson we all have to learn. he finished the six (turned eight) week sport, but he just doesn't seem to have the skills to be the next david beckham.
even if he does look adorable sitting on a soccer ball.

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