Thursday, October 15

thrifty thursday

after 36 hours in sickieville, i was ready to bust out and hit some estate sales with my mom. there were over ten sales this past weekend, so we chose the ones that interested us most in the same area of town. we had some luck and i found some cute things.
my finds
at the second sale, i found this little manger with mary, joseph and jesus. it looks hand made to me. i love the nativity, as do my kids, so i had to take it home, and it was only $.50.
i know i am working backwards, but at the first sale, i had the most luck. i found these abc flash cards for $1. i love the graphics!
i also found these vintage christmas seals. i love, love, love them. i can't wait to use them on tags or a new banner.
isn't this book precious?? and, yes, the graphics are very rich (even with my iphone picture). i paid $3. i thought it was worth it because it was in excellent condition, was one i hadn't ever seen and was one i would use as a book to read to my kids.
oh, how i had to buy this book. just look at it!! i love the print on the cover. and, apparently i needed it. just look at what i found inside . . .
i still don't think you will find me using a pattern, but if anyone could change my mind, it would be betty and judy on the cover there.

i bought a few other school primers for $.50 0r $1.

then, my find for the day:
it is a betsy mccall fashion designer light table! it is in excellent condition (even the light bulb worked, but we replaced it anyway.) it has almost 20 pages of traceables like you see on the table above and the portfolio to hold everything. i knew immediately this would be loved by my own little fashion designer, so i asked how much they wanted and he said $3! it is already receiving lots of love and attention at my house.

(and because i was curious, i googled betsy and found out she was released in 1961 and according to kovels was worth $45 in 1999.)


  1. I covet the Betsy McCall trace table. The only thing that makes it okay is I know without a doubt that little Miss Carter will have a great time with it!!! I grew up with Betsy McCall. Had no idea about that treasure you found. I so would have wanted it way back when!

    You have a treasure trove full of stuff....(where do you put it all)

  2. that fashion designer thing is so awesome! if you're looking for more shopping, my parents are having a huge moving sale tomorrow at 69 st. albans fwy in the hedgemoor 'hood. they have TONS of stuff. imma advertise on my blog. they're also having a furniture estate sale soon, but i don't think the date is set yet.

  3. ummm is there anyway possible i could get a copy of one of the traceables i have been looking for an old copy of a ballerina outfit to make the baby... i'll cut you a deal. you let me copy the design and i will make one for all of our girls...

  4. Ohhh. I remember Betsy!
