Monday, August 25

another trip to the pool 07.24

on the last day of swim lessons, our favorite pool buddies invited us to check out the water at the germantown center. it started off rough because the crazy water park area is a little much even for big kids. for a brief moment i thought we were going to have to pack up and go home. then, jennifer suggested popsicles and then a trip to the big pool. during all of this distraction we also ran into some other preschool friends. by the end, we were exhausted and way past naps. it is all this fun that caused carter to look a little like a zombie on the last day of swim lessons.
carter in the kid area
miller found this mask in our friends' beach toys and loved it
too funny!
finally enjoying the spraying water around the outside
another toy out of the brown's beach bag

note that the only pictures are of my own children. somehow this summer i have had either the best or worst luck with the camera. i know, i know, josh, if i would learn a few technical things this would not happen. somehow the only picture i had of emma was blurry and i didn't have any good pictures of amelia, scottie or west. if you check out jennifer's blog linked above, she has several cute ones of the girls "laying out" and miller feeding emma like a bird. we will miss our summer swim dates!

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