Monday, July 28

more fun in june

another first for the summer was carter spending the night at meme & papaw's. this meant that miller received undivided attention. one of the kids favorite games to play with daddy is hide-n-seek. this night, miller thought it was so funny that daddy "hid" under his bed that he had to climb under too. it's a bad picture, but it tells a cute story.
this is fancy carter. carter's favorite book series right now is fancy nancy. my mom bought her these sunglasses because she thought they were over-the-top like nancy. after attending the fancy nancy book party at davis kidd, carter came home and dressed like nancy in rockstar pjs, sleeping beauty dress up shoes, her sunglasses and new bracelet. i love these pictures because they are so very carter! 

i don't think of us as a creative family, but i definitely don't think we are athletic either. josh may argue that he is athletic, but he also plays the guitar, takes pictures and cooks. what i have noticed is that our children love to be creative, they love to draw, paint, create, etc. many of you know carter's first penned song, where are you, belle? so it should come as no surprise that we like to create outside as well. here we are enjoying a nice afternoon painting.

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