now, because of this, it should come as no surprise, that my daughter is doing the same thing-only, with books! we do read a lot and we do tend to read our favorites over and over. if carter or miller is found in the corner with a good book, you can usually hear them "reading" as well. so a few weeks ago, miller is upset that he didn't get what he wanted. i don't even remember what it was now, but snack, or paper, or something. and carter says, "you get what you get and you don't get upset." i giggled to myself at her motherly response and then paused and thought i have heard that somewhere else. it took me a few minutes and then i realized, she was quoting pinkalicious! so, this same quote has been used over and over to the point that josh and i have even started using it and they seem to respond well because they know the story line. so a few days ago, i am trying clothes on carter to see how much she has out grown since last fall and she looks at the pants i am trying to help her into as she watches diego and says, " too big. too brown. too plain." i just started laughing again because now she is quoting another favorite, fancy nancy. if you don't know either of these books and you have a girly little girl at home, you need to go here and check them out!! as you can tell, they are some of our favorites!
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