Thursday, June 9

thrifty thursday

it's back!!

school has been out for exactly two weeks. it is possible that i have accomplished more in those two weeks than in the last year . . . well, at least six months.

i don't know what it is about summer, but it makes me want to paint walls, sand random pieces of furniture and sew pillows and such. is it just me?

it could be my slight obsession with this person or her new show about her summer house. summer house? can i just have the kitchen? and, where in the world do they find those shops? i have never stumbled upon such ah-mazing pieces in my life! so, with a huge desire to find a bargain and a desk for my ever so crafty six year old, i searched the estate sales this past weekend. i mentioned to my mom i was going and she volunteered to tag along. i feel like i make much better decisions when someone is there to help justify my cause. and, well, that she does.

here is my loot:
 um, hello . . .
 still not helping . . .
whatever. at least she isn't blocking anything in this one. what you see: a janky iphone picture taken in my dark, but newly painted entry (ahem, i told you i'd been busy) . the little desk is a past find, but it held all my new treasures nicely so it got to stay for the picture. other things you see . . .

three yard sticks (love),
a vintage globe (no idea how old, but hawaii is not a state, so at least 1948.)
a turquoise tupperware cheese holder (replacing the one i had but the top cracked)
vintage aqua pop beads (who knew?)
two mismatched vintage salt and pepper shakers (because they are adorable!)
a random red metal thing (any ideas?? it cleaned up quite nicely and is now holding pens and such)
a vintage metal mold (plans to use later)
a designers curve (a sewing tool that currently cost $15, but this vintage one cost me $1)

and . . .
a 16x20 green frame
a 3x5 aqua frame
a vintage industrial 4 loaf bread baking pan

the last three came from a local antique store i drug josh to on our day date last week when my mom volunteered my parents graciously asked to watch our kids.

and, remember that desk i was looking for . . . well, i also brought home this:
in fact, it was the reason i headed out, but once i saw it in person, i started to wonder should it be for miller? i planned to paint it, but should it be sanded and left au natural?  i love the shelves! they would be so cute with a couple of girly baskets, but they would also be cute with a couple of metal bins. can i find another one before carter thinks she lost out?? please feel free to weigh in . . . in fact, it would be much appreciated ;)


  1. oh i think this one is miller's! the lines are very boy to me, especially when you talk natural finish and metal bins. i think you'd have a harder time finding another one for him if you girlied this one up for carter, but a much easier time finding a sweet girly one for her...but what do i know ;)

  2. Yeah I agree with Kris... I think it would be great for a boy's room. Don't breathe a word about it till you find
    one for Carter though. You don't want to be an Indian giver do you???? I am accomplishing a ton too! Love
    having the spare time!
    Tell all you kiddie hello from me!

  3. miller. definitely. you can find another one for carter. you may not need to sand it if you use the antique furniture refinisher that i found at home depot.
