Wednesday, June 1

i wanna be a . . .

during the week, we have two days off from preschool. april is a busy, busy month for us- full of wedding season, a birthday, a holiday and whatever else may lie. so, our days off are spent at home while mommy tries to get things done like sew, clean, etc. 

 spencer found carter's guitar one day and it was love at first sight.

 strumming along . . .fentle wittle, wittle tar  (her version of twinkle, twinkle little star)

moments later upstairs, she found something else . . .
 her tutu and hat, as she calls it.

trying to entice her brother . . .

life in the lime light is hard. rock star . . . ballerina . . . who knows? but this kid definitely has some personality.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures.... Yes, your little Spencer definitely has personality - plus!
