Monday, August 9

a night at the park

one of the benefits of our new home is that it is walking distance to the parks that also act as the playground to carter's new school. so, in an attempt to help carter feel comfortable on her first day of school, help miller feel like he is a part of her new experience and spend lots of family time together before the big day, we headed to the park the night before the first day of school.
one of the things we miss about our old house are the swings we had in the back yard. everyone (including me!) loves to swing.  

 we spent a lot of time in the preschool area of the park. i think we may exceed the weight limit of this little guy!

i'm pretty sure that is true again here! but leave it to their daddy to show them how not to play at the park.

someone decided they needed a drink to cool off from the ridiculous august heat . . .

or a bath. oops! nothing says its time to go like a bottle of crystal crack in your diaper. you could hear her shoes squoosh all the way home!

1 comment:

  1. omg... just precious!!! ps lovin the new look!!! its very "YOU" hope you guys have a great thanksgiving.
