Tuesday, July 13

a detour

why ikea? well, because it is moderately priced, had several pieces that fit our style, and is located in the same city as josh's family! so, not only did we buy some great pieces, we got to visit his parents and brother. 

as some of you know, josh's little hobby that became a business was also a hobby for his father and grandfather. because josh has also been shooting some film, his father gave him an older camera that belonged to his grandfather. they found a couple of rolls of film laying around and, suddenly, josh had some entertainment for the week.

josh's brother was able to come stay with us one night. the next morning, he dug through the basement and came up with a huge plastic bin of legos.
he and miller created for hours. and, miller even got to bring home a few pieces.

meanwhile, carter was busy doing some needle point with grammie. she sewed her name onto the canvas all by herself. grammie helped thread the needle with each color and gave some helpful instruction.

later that night on our way to eat yummy mexican, i convinced josh to drag our sweaty kids into a field covered in white wild flowers. never mind the fact that he had to strategically avoid the grave yard located in the background.

while our brave little boy trudged out into the field without hesitation, the girls were a hard sell. after a few minutes, we decided they had done their time in the tall grass and headed to dinner.

i know they will one day be annoyed by the clark griswold-like abandon we use when selecting our next destination. i am sure it will embarrass them when we make a quick stop, drag everyone out of the car and dash across busy streets to have a few pictures taken. but, i hope one day, they remember these crazy ventures fondly inspiring them to create their own detours. look kids. big ben. parliament.


  1. HA! love it. clark rocks. :)

  2. The pic of carter is beautiful!

  3. If/when you go see Big Ben...I wanna go!!...even if you have to push my wheelchair!
