Monday, May 24

mi casa es su casa

i have a really good reason why i have been such a blog slacker since march. i was so excited to be all caught up after disney and was ready to get back in my memory documenting, crafty showing routine when something unexpected occurred. well, i think unexpected is a lie, it's probably more like inevitable.

see, when baby numero tres entered our world, josh put the brakes on private school. not that we are private school only people, but due to the location of our current home, it was private school or jail. i say jail because if you don't take your kid to school, then they are truent. if your child is truent, the po-lice take you to jail. (that's what happens, right?) and, well, home schooling is not a current option for carter and me. she needs to go to school in the fall.

so, that means we have to move. and, in order to buy a house, you need to sell a house. or, in our case, you accidentally put a contingent offer on a house and attempt to sell your own that is not even on the market in less than a month. and, well, i can't make a story any shorter than i just did.

there is one thing we have learned that when in our circumstances, we all have to make sacrifices.

example 1: when you miss your realtor's call because your baby had your phone and your husband texts you to say she is standing on the front porch waiting for you to leave and you throw everyone in the car while sweeping up the play dough mess and every one is complaining that they still have on their pajamas, sometimes you have to wear your sister's pants.
even if they are a size 18 month.

example 2: when you spend the entire afternoon working on birthday sewing because your parents graciously take your children for the afternoon and your mother gives them all a bath, but they have no current pajamas at her house, but all of their past season clothes are being stored there, sometimes you have to wear last year's pajamas.
or the year before that. whatever.

example 3: when it's been three weeks since you put a contingent contract on a house and you really only have another week to sell yours in order to have enough time for all the processing and junk and you are having an open house in an hour, everyone has to pull their weight.
even if you're a baby.

and sometimes, or at least this time, it all works out. 
and you wait until the last minute to pack and find out one day before closing that you won't get possession of your new house until five days after you give up possession of your current house. 

so, now, we are homeless. 

and, we are all having to make sacrifices. (especially my parents!)

i guess we can always hire spencer out if we need to.


  1. I am sorry but that is truly a funny blog.
    Yes, I will hire Spencer!!! ! Looks like she really gets
    into housework. Miller in those p.j.s and knowing that he is YOUR child....well that was truly hilarious!

  2. oh no! just think how exciting it'll be when you're all settled in the new house (and not shelling out for private school). and this will make great memories, i'm sure. congrats on the sale and the new place!

  3. Love it! Congrats on the new house and sale of the old one! What part of town are you moving to?

  4. That is so great Maribeth! I remember all of that stress, eventhough it's exciting. What would we do without our parents?!? Give B & D a big hug for me! Have fun getting your new house ready!

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