Sunday, May 2

art for art's sake?

each year, we have an art show at preschool. it is a fun night of family, food, entertainment and our children's art. we save pieces they have completed throughout the year and display them in various ways. the kids loved showing  their daddy all the things they have made this year. 

carter's display outside her classroom

miller's self portrait
i love that he used yellow and brown paper because he said his hair was both colors.

this is carter's self portrait from fall:
"it's me in the belly of a crocodile."
(yes, she cut it out all by herself-she has mad cutting skillz.)

many of the older classes, do another self portrait in the spring for comparison.

this is carter's self portrait from spring:
when i first saw the drawing, i asked her what was in the picture with her.
"it's a potty. that's me about to go to the bathroom."

me: "why . . . yes . . . it is."

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