Tuesday, April 13

downtown disney

because we didn't go to sea world, we had an extra day with nothing to do. we had planned to do downtown disney one night, but instead we spent a very lazy last day there just enjoying the beautiful weather and riding out the disney happiness high.

after lunch at t.rex, we played at the lego store:

and played . . .

then, we headed into the world of disney to pick up some souvenirs and play . . .
poor miller, he has so many years left to endure this kind of stuff
spencer popped herself in the eye with the elastic strap on her hat and made her i am beside myself face

once all was right with the world, we got the obligatory hat picture
and then enjoyed mickey bars (another mandated disney activity)
but, one of us appeared to not enjoy a mickey bar, nor did she enjoy watching everyone else with theirs

any day that ends like this is a good day!

carter: mickey bar
miller: t rex restaurant
spencer: well, it definitely wasn't the mickey bar, now was it?

1 comment:

  1. Spencer's faces literally made me laugh out loud to myself. Hilarious. :)
