Sunday, January 24

the wedding planner

as a little girl, i remember thinking about how some day i would get married. i wear a beautiful white dress and marry a boy and we would kiss and . . . well, the only detail i really remember being specific is that is all occurred outside. in 2010, outdoor weddings are common place and people probably wouldn't think that was a very specific detail, but in 1999, it was not common, it was really discouraged, and i had approximately 3 potential venues to choose between. but, because that was how i had always envisioned my day that was how my day occurred. it was perfect and i wouldn't change a thing.

but, i digress. i knew that one day my little girl(s) would have similar dreams. those dreams were probably expounded upon when josh decided he loved to shoot weddings and really felt a calling to follow that love. but, recently, our oldest has really begun to dream about her day. 

carter has always loved to dress up. she has several pieces that are wedding themed and many more that are not, but that doesn't stop her from creating a bridal ensemble that would make randy fenoli cry.

but recently, that desire to marry switched focus from her little brother to a little boy in her class. she even made a card for him. luckily, her sweet teacher knew how important it was for this moment to be captured. one day, i might even have a picture of it. 

then, on friday before school, carter was busy creating. when i walked in and found this, i knew things would be different when it is her turn.

is it just me or is this an inspiration board?? 

an inspiration board of an indecisive bride (2 dresses, 2 cakes, 2 bridesmaids' dresses), maybe . . .  but since she is only 5, i would say she definitely has a couple of years (or decades) to finalize her decisions. 

and let's hope her choice of bridal gown becomes a little more traditional and less, um . . . disney, before her big day.

can we say bridezilla??


  1. Oh MB! You have got to date & save those inspiration sheets! What treasures to present to her at the rehearsal diner!! I LOVE it!

  2. how precious!!! looks like the girl's got a vision. now the hard part: choosing a photographer. the best in the biz will be otherwise occupied on the big day, i'm sure ;)

    oh and we should just start carpooling to joann's :)

  3. Um...I would say that you have a "mini-me" on your hands. How cute!!

  4. I'm saving my wedding dress for her. Hope she likes "yellow". :)
