Sunday, January 24

the wedding planner

as a little girl, i remember thinking about how some day i would get married. i wear a beautiful white dress and marry a boy and we would kiss and . . . well, the only detail i really remember being specific is that is all occurred outside. in 2010, outdoor weddings are common place and people probably wouldn't think that was a very specific detail, but in 1999, it was not common, it was really discouraged, and i had approximately 3 potential venues to choose between. but, because that was how i had always envisioned my day that was how my day occurred. it was perfect and i wouldn't change a thing.

but, i digress. i knew that one day my little girl(s) would have similar dreams. those dreams were probably expounded upon when josh decided he loved to shoot weddings and really felt a calling to follow that love. but, recently, our oldest has really begun to dream about her day. 

carter has always loved to dress up. she has several pieces that are wedding themed and many more that are not, but that doesn't stop her from creating a bridal ensemble that would make randy fenoli cry.

but recently, that desire to marry switched focus from her little brother to a little boy in her class. she even made a card for him. luckily, her sweet teacher knew how important it was for this moment to be captured. one day, i might even have a picture of it. 

then, on friday before school, carter was busy creating. when i walked in and found this, i knew things would be different when it is her turn.

is it just me or is this an inspiration board?? 

an inspiration board of an indecisive bride (2 dresses, 2 cakes, 2 bridesmaids' dresses), maybe . . .  but since she is only 5, i would say she definitely has a couple of years (or decades) to finalize her decisions. 

and let's hope her choice of bridal gown becomes a little more traditional and less, um . . . disney, before her big day.

can we say bridezilla??

Thursday, January 14

let's pretend . . .

let's pretend that i wrote this post on december 26th.

let's pretend that it isn't full of pictures and really long.

let's pretend you find it at least a little bit interesting.

because these last few months have been one event to the next, i feel like i have been working on projects since early october. after a successful birthday party sunday afternoon, i thought i had a break this week when i was reminded we have a just ducky trunk show. see what i mean.

so, i convinced my very sweet, very patient husband to create the following:

this is a collage of our advent activities during the holiday season. it includes:

writing letters to santa
sibling gift exchange (they each wrapped the gift they bought)
making marshmallow pops (classroom treats)
the alpine village
visit with santa
zoo lights
enchanted forest
making gingerbread houses
and christmas ever at meme & papaw's

let's pretend i remember the activities we did for advent and am not hoping to find the list so i will know next year.

let's pretend i don't have to read my own posts from the linkwithin gadget to remember these things happened. (am i the only one who does that??)

and, so i don't forget, here are some highlights from christmas day:

let's pretend my children don't get all handsie with santa's eggnog and cookies.

ah, the excitement of christmas day . . .

let's pretend they are this sweet to one another all the time. this year, miller was so excited for carter and the stuff she got in her stocking that he didn't even notice his. so sweet.

my little book lover

let's pretend this isn't the only picture we have of the three of them . . .
or let's pretend it is amazing and i want to hang it on my new picture wall.
moments later, spencer started crying and laying her head on the ground. so. over.whelmed.

their favorite gifts:

miller and his new friend he named "pirate miller." miller asked for a pirate costume, so when i decided to make him a doll, i knew it had to be dressed in a matching pirate costume. the look on his face was worth every single sleepless minute during my handmade holiday.

these buzz lightyear hands have been super fun, too. except when all is quiet in the playroom and i am working on something crafty and i suddenly hear  "i am buzz lightyear!"

even though she was super excited about her sewing machine

and her new bike,

it was this gift from meme and papaw that carter said was her favorite.

a nekked spencer shows off her new pink puppy that she loves to push around. this poor girl was extremely overwhelmed christmas day. having never received a gift to open and with very few of her own toys (that poor third child), she didn't understand why people kept taking things away from her so she could open something else.

let's pretend that all the build up of christmas and the celebrating of the season doesn't actually end a little bittersweet and with the extreme desire to immediately pack up all the decorations i worked so hard on making and displaying.

let's just pretend . . .

Tuesday, January 5


i have a problem. or maybe it is a condition.

it is called event adhd.
i only recognized it and was able to label it recently.

see, God has blessed me with three children. three children who each have a birthday during a holiday season-easter, back to school and christmas. (yes, back to school is a holiday, especially if you are a teacher.)
i like to celebrate those three children's birthdays. and, i like to celebrate holidays. i like to make things to celebrate all discussed events. but, let me tell you what happens when i go shopping to accomplish said celebrations. when i am supposed to be crafting for this holiday:

i begin dreaming up things for this holiday:

when i search diligently for this child's birthday party:

i find myself instead purchasing things for this kid's birthday:

why do i do this?

event adhd.

see, i told you it was a problem. or is it a condition?
regardless, i need a solution quick so i can finish crafting up a little soiree this weekend!