Tuesday, December 8

it's christmas time

wow! where have i been? i have no idea.
i am busy. (as usual)
there has been sickness. (not uncommon)
i have been crafting. (as usual)
and sewing. (not uncommon anymore)
but blogging, i have not. (definitely unusual)
so, now i have to catch you up on life.

ahh, it's christmas time. the trees are decorated. the christmas music is playing. the activities have begun. it truly is the most wonderful time of the year. we are totally obnoxious like that. totally.

we both have extremely fond memories of christmas growing up. as our little family grows older, we have begun some of our own traditions. first, this guy arrives the day after thanksgiving:

then, on december 1st, we begin to unwrap one of these each night:

23 christmas books wrapped in brown paper (sigh). on the 24th, we read the night before christmas. i will eventually wrap it in a patterned paper to keep it separate. right now it is hidden. each year, we add to the collection. my little bibliophiles adore this tradition and look forward to it each day.

but, this year, i wanted to add something. something i wanted growing up. but back then, i just wanted to peel back a paper door and reveal a tiny piece of chocolate. not because i like chocolate (because i don't), but because i love countdowns and calendars and the like. last year, at 22 months gestation, an advent calendar did not make it to crafting fruition. but, this year . . . this year i was determined.

at craft club, we found these square tins and fell in love. i found this paper and it was perfect. next, i just added all sorts of vintage-y bits of goodness to create each tin. here are a few of my favorites:

it was really hard to come up with 25 unique ideas. i think i will have to alter a few as i find new bits and pieces. it was really fun to use all these little pieces i had picked up at estate sales over the past year.

then, because i cannot commit, i put them on my giant chalkboard. i set it up calendar style and each day we move that day's tin to the top. inside each is a family activity, some big and some small. for example, tonight, we are watching elf movie theater style (in the dark) while drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows and candy canes.

tis the season to be merry.


  1. Ohhh! You have Elf on the Shelf!!
    Love the advent calendar, too.
    Blessings to you at Christmas!

  2. How totally adorable, Maribeth! I love advent countdowns!

  3. Love the wrapped Christmas books. I am definitely going to steal that one for us next year. The boys...especially Paxton...LOVE to read. That is good since we were worried that he would love educational things about as much as his daddy. Yippee...he took from my side of the gene pool. :) Love the advent calendar, but I'm not as crafty as you. You inspire me!!
