Wednesday, September 2

back to school

as evidenced from my lack of blogging, i have been a busy, busy girl. the week before carter's birthday, i had meetings at school the first half of the week and then we took a little road trip from thursday through sunday (post coming soon). we returned late sunday to begin inservice monday through wednesday and start school on thursday. i managed to get in one post about carter's birthday, but my plan to post thrifty thursday were thwarted by a vomiting child.

that's right, my friends. thursday am i wake up to miller calling "daddy!" josh brings him to our bed and heads to take a shower. while josh is getting dressed, miller proceeds to vomit all over my back, the bed and himself. awesome. did i mention it was the first day of school?? it was then that josh realized that miller had not wet the bed earlier. nice.

i quickly called my parents who bailed me out so i could head to school for my own class. i was late, of course. since we were already late and a first day of school picture is mandatory, i took the following series of the debacle.

as noted above:

*carter was the only one excited about the day (because she was finally going to 5t with ms. jennifer-an event she has been dreaming about since may.)
*i almost had a nervous breakdown yelling reminding carter to hold onto spencer.
*yes, that is miller's towel to vomit in, if need be (and, sadly, it was needed in the car).
*spencer found everything but the camera to be interesting including carter's shoe buckle and the pea gravel embedded in the concrete.
*the only times spencer looked at the camera she made a face that made her look like buddha.
*only mommy would make you have your picture taken while lethargic and vomiting.

and, guess what. on tuesday, spencer was sick with a high fever. seriously.


  1. will LOVE these pictures as time goes on. It will be a funny memory too. Yes, even the vomiting part!

  2. Poor Miller looks pitiful :( Love the fact you still took a picture-HA!!! He will love this in the years to come!
