Tuesday, July 14

she said

this week we are doing the swim lessons thing. yesterday was starting to look a little like last year. i was starting to panic. i told josh i couldn't do it . . . i couldn't have two children freaking out about the deep dark evil of the water while toting an infant while other mothers glare at me. 

so, last night, in an attempt to not have to go to bed, carter went into hysterics about the horror of the deep end and how she is sure to drown. (if you think i am exaggerating, you must have boys.) then miller started saying he doesn't want to go, that he wants to watch her like yesterday (last year). josh calms them down somehow and they eventually fall asleep.

then, this morning on our way, miller is starting to fret and i am telling him don't worry, you don't even know if you will have to go to the deep end yet (knowing that they always go on day 2). carter speaks up and says:

"but, y'all don't even know what i prayered last night. i prayered that it would be so hot that all the water would dry up. it is going to be so hot that all the water will dry up and we will only have to swim where we already do (shallow end)."

i couldn't stop laughing. she was so confident (i love that) that it was going to be answered. what she "prayered" for was such a different request than i would have asked for (take my fear). 

the day went much better even though the deep end was still there. but, tomorrow if it is so hot, you think the sun is melting, you can blame carter.


  1. Oh....I just want to (hug) her!
    Bless her little ole heart!

    You tell her Miss Molly didn't like swim lessons either!

  2. this is the reason we are on our 6th year of lessons. some summers, we've even taken 2 and 3 times. this year tristan is finally getting it!

  3. Oh! Poor, sweet girl!! It gets better and good for you, mama, for sticking to your guns and still taking them! Swimming lesson are SOOOO important! They will appreciate it in years to come!

    Don't you just love the things our kids come up with! Priceless!

  4. I'm thinking God heard it as "take my fear" and answered with a better day. Bless her heart.

  5. aww love her!! faith starts lessons this weekend. good times i tell ya!
