Thursday, June 25

thrifty thursday

a few weeks ago, i went to two sales in two completely different areas of town. the first one was near my house and i went with a couple of friends. for me, it wasn't that great, but for them . . .
i managed to find 3 things: an old book of poems for children by aa milne, a turquoise metal sewing accessories tin and a 1950s music magazine. 3 measly things. i spent $4.

as you can see, everyone else scored big pieces. for some reason, that made me want a big piece, too. i know, peer pressure. josh had an early wedding that day and the other sale i was interested in was near my parents' house. we packed up and headed to my parents house for a little switcheroo. i had promised carter she could go with us to the next sale. i may be crazy enough to take two children, but i am lucid enough not to take three! when we picked up my mom, she told me she had already gone to the sale and only picked up a few things, but she heard they would go 25% off after noon. so, we headed over. carter was so well behaved and had so much fun. (apparently estate saling is genetic.) here are our finds:
bless her heart, the sun is right in her face. don't you love her medal that she turned into a sash? the following came to live with us: a doll suitcase, a kitchen timer,  an old maid card game, and a turquoise measuring tape still in the package! all vintage. my total was $8. 

we also rescued some jewelry, a tray, a pen set and the plastic flower earring holder. isn't that earring holder a.dorable?? these things went home with my mom.

when carter found the timer, she said "meme, i could really use this." and use it she has. after i cleaned it up, she and miller have played and played with it.

the measuring tape is now at home in the sewing tin from above and the doll suitcase . . .
is now the new home of ruthie's things.
it is in great shape, but it still needed a little love. i cleaned it with soap and water, let it dry, and then put a coat of mod podge on it to help preserve the original paper from the wear and tear that is my children. i also glue some seam binding around the inside lining that was showing a little deterioration after the cleaning. 
isn't it cute? 

there was one more thing at the sale that i considered. it was a great price and would be 25% off, but i walked away. i asked my mom if she thought it was a good deal (yes), i asked josh if he was okay with it (sure) and then i could not stop thinking about it. the next day after church and lunch, spencer and i headed back out to the sale. it was still there and 50% off and mine! 
oh, be still my heart! my dad estimates it is from the 1940s and the condition is almost perfect! i worked on it all last week and, due to the extreme heat here this week, my dad generously offered to paint her in the wee hours of the morning before the sun turns everything to ash. i should have a reveal in the near future!


  1. I love the high chair!

    Please let me come next time!!

    I NEVER happen upon a good estate sale!

  2. Something tells me little Miss Spencer is going to be oh so cute in that high chair!

  3. i can't wait to see the high chair all gussied up! i need to get it together with my estate sale finds sometime here soon, not that they're nearly as much fun as yours and carter's! :)

  4. Hi. I hope this doesn't seem weird, but I found your blog through a link off a blog linked from another blog, etc. etc.

    I am trying to start a sewing club in Memphis, and saw that you sew. If you're at all interested, there is more info about the club here:

    There is also a link there for the club I'm trying to start if you look under Tennessee. Anyway, hope you're interested, but if you're not, could you please tell anyone else you know who sews about it? Many thanks!

  5. You have to tell us how much it was!! :)
