1. i was born into it. my parents both grew up in families that had a few treasured valuables. for example, my brother is now the rightful heir to a secretary that has been in my mother's family for generations. i have a lawyers bookcase that was in the office of a family member who worked for a bank when the great depression occurred. although these possessions are worth little monetary value, i was taught early on that their sentimental value made them far more meaningful.
2. i was a tag along. probably since i had enough attitude to roll my eyes and express my sassy opinion, my parents have collected and sold antiques or vintage items. on family trips, i would get drug through every antique store/junk place/roadside flea market along our route. what at first was a break from the long car ride, eventually became something of interest. it only took a few years and hundreds of stores before i started to help them in their search. and around the time i became an adult, i started to find things i liked for myself.
3. these things have a story to tell. i am a sucker for a story. i love to read (mostly blogs at this time due to the time restraints of my 14 children-you can always check a few blogs while you feed the baby, right?). like the lawyers bookcase, it belonged to the man at the bank, remember? the story goes that instead of taking the money and securing a better situation for his family during the uneasy times, he divvied it out to his customers as it was their money they had trusted to the bank. (isn't that right, mom?) but it doesn't matter if i know the actual story or not. i once purchased several antique greeting cards all signed by jim, judy or jim & judy. as i sat making my selections, it was easy to find the time line in jim & judy's life. and, it was also easy to imagine jim's adjustment at when he became a big brother or judy carefully tearing open her birthday gift after reading the card from aunt eunice. (because in the 1950s they actually read the card first, right?)
4. because someone should care. i have been to more sales that included family pictures, baby homecoming outfits, love letters, family bibles, wedding dresses, and more. each time, i am somewhat saddened that no one cared to treasure these things. these same things that their mother or sister or grandmother found joy in. these same things that flooded back memories of baby's first steps or sweet days of courting are just shoved in a box with junk. it breaks my heart and i know it would break the heart of the person who treasured it. so, if i find joy in someone else's greeting card or sewing box or baby toy, i feel as if i am carrying on their memory and i hope it would make them happy to know that it is appreciated even if not by their own family.
so, what it comes down to is this: i like certain old stuff, i like the thrill of looking for things i like or might like or someone else might like, i usually like the price, i like the idea of repurposing or upcycling, and i like that things have a story. if you like any of these things too, then you might like thrifty thursday. if not, i'm sorry, but you probably won't want to read on thursday;)
oooo I can't wait. I too love the stories. My mother in law got on a cleaning out the attic spurt. Several of her cast offs ended up with me because my husband would bring it by our house for me to look through before going to the dump. I inherited a ton of fun stuff....Her WEDDING GOWN made by her mom ( i know I hear you gasping!) and a hand made checkerboard with inlaid wood made by his uncle....
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed going with y'all a few weeks ago and want to go again. I love my desk and little chair. They are just sitting in my living room while I decide what to do with them. "Upcycling" - did you make that word up? I like it!
ReplyDeletecan't wait to see what ya have!!! i've even seen soap & vaseline at an estate sale.
ReplyDeleteoh, ms.molly, my eyes just got huge! what treasures! i am so glad you get to love them!
ReplyDeleteyay yay!!! great post, btw...
ReplyDeletewoohoo! :D can't wait for it and i feel the same way!