Monday, May 18

wish we were there

we have been back from the beach for ten days. those crazy ten days have included 2 weddings, an engagement shoot, a cancelled shoot, 3 days of preschool-one including water day, a ballet class, a work dinner, an allergic reaction and trip to the emergency room, a follow-up appointment, 2 trips to church, a ten year anniversary date, a birthday party, a mother's day family engagement, and a ballet recital. add in your regular trips to target, the grocery, a quick trip to hernando to check out an antique store, a leaking washing machine, locking myself out of the house on a preschool morning and so on. but, i haven't forgotten about the beach. oh, the beach . . . 

mr. david made up a song with really cool lyrics that everyone could remember. it goes a little something like this:
"we're going to the beach, beach, beach"
these simple words were sung by everyone all the time

it takes some of us longer to adjust after sleeping than others. carter could wake up, put on a bathing suit and hit the door, but this sweet guy needs a few minutes to welcome the day or the afternoon . . .

i find that with each kid we add to the mix, the longer it takes to do anything. by the time i slather down three kids, put on swim diapers and bathing suits, it is already noon. it is a good thing our condo is on the beach; otherwise, i don't think we would ever get there.

it never failed that this precious girl had to eat shortly after my toes hit the sand. (it didn't matter when the last time she ate was.) but, the good thing about babies, especially third babies, they can sleep anywhere . . .

especially under a tent listening to the waves hit the shore.

and when she woke up, she could always play with her friend, charlie. and, if he was sleeping, just hit him in the face until he woke up, too.

spencer had a few firsts on this trip . . . 
first time at the beach
first pair of sunglasses (not her thumb, she is an old pro at sucking her thumb)
first time to put her toes in the pool

first time to have her toes colored orange when someone got bored riding in the car

by the last day, we have it all together, but before then, we spend more time going back to the condo and trying to talk someone into staying just a few more minutes before we go to the pool. 

"my teeth are cold!" 
a response to my asking "are you cold?" to carter on a bathroom break from the pool.

ms.jennifer tells miller "it is not good for your body" for him to drink water out of the pool, to which miller replies, "but it's yummy for my mouth!"

miller's "diamond ring," as he called it:

talk about a boy-he would sit in this and kick himself around the pool. he liked it because he could be independent, but he didn't want to wear the swimmies or work on learning to swim. looks like swim lessons should be fun with him, too?!? ha!

we, of course, had to make our required outlet shopping day. luckily, it rained one day to help us make the decision easier. here, they are entertaining ourselves while spencer had a little snack . . .

carter: how old are you?
josh: 32
carter: wow, daddy, that's a lot of oldness!

we had a blast! miller is already asking to go back. 

"we're gonna miss the beach, beach, beach . . ."


  1. These pics are great...part of hubby being a photographer I suppose?! I especially love the iPhone pics! Too cute. :)

    Next year, can I come? I'll have a baby to bring along too. ;)

  2. so what beach did/ do ya'll like to go to? You can always come to our beach 6 hrs. from Memphis :)
    Your post made me appreciate where we do live and to take advantage of it as often as we can. there's no excuse for us since it's a wagon ride away huh?
    beautiful pics!


  3. going to the beach, beach, beach.
    it's in our reach, reach, reach.
    on the way we'll get a peach, peach, peach...

    Oh how I miss you beach.

    I love the Miller quote. It made me laugh again to read it.
