Monday, April 13

easter sunday

goodies from the bunny. 
cookie . . .
and candy

then, we headed to church. after church, we went to my parents' house for an egg hunt and lunch. it was supposed to be the other way around, but we hurried out before the rain came. i promised the kids they would get to have their own egg hunt at meme and papaw's house and i wasn't about to make them miss that one, too. so, off they ran . . .
miller found a blue egg with money didn't want it-what?
note, he is doing his best chevy chase in caddyshack.
he put it back. then, proclaimed to all, "hey, i no want money in my egg."
guess who did! until miller realized he did want money in his egg. watch out, girl!
spencer spent the time blowing bubbles and freezing her tail off while they hunted.
then, a family portrait
lunch, please! we spent the rest of the day like most of you did, i assume-watching golf and hanging out with family. it was nice to just sit and not have to be anywhere. i feel like the only time we observe like the sabbath is intended to be observed is on holidays when everything is closed. 

by the way, the following conversation occurred in the car on the way to my parents' house:

me: what did you learn about in sunday school today?
miller: a cross and a tomb
me: who was on the cross
carter: jesus
miller: and the tomb. and two women were sad and crying. 
me: then what happened?
carter: he is alive!

the easter story told by my children in its simplest form. and, that is all you need to know.


  1. Hey, chicky! Missed you last night!! Gorgeous pictures - (No shock there!) Hope you guys had an awesome Easter!

  2. It's Bill Murray, not Chevy Chase. Love you!
