Friday, March 27

bloggers, did you know . . .

have you ever discovered a simpler way to do something and wondered why you didn't know this before? well, that has happened to me once again, and, rather than keep the tidbit to myself, i thought i would pay it forward.

do you use google reader?? it is fabulous. no more wasted time spent checking to see if any of my favorite blogs have new posts. my one complaint with google reader or any such aggregator is that i missed everyone's cute blog decor. it made me sad to read about your latest fun adventure or newest mommy meltdown on a white background without a cute header. but, alas, did you know about the next button?? it is the solution to my problem, and maybe yours! i love it!

would you like one, too? okay, go to your google reader page, click on settings in the upper right hand corner. it will go to a new page with a yellow box. click the goodies tab in the yellow box. and, there it is, second item down, the next button. it takes two seconds to add to your bookmarks bar. then, next time you check your blogs, just click the next button and it will take you to the first blog with a new post. click it again, and it will go to the next one and so on and so on. how cool is that?? i hope this helps!

if everyone already knows this cool tip and i am the last to know, don't laugh too hard! and, help a girl out! seriously, i have three kids, i don't know that my brain will ever recover! and, speaking of my kids . . . 

look at this smiling cutie!! isn't she presh! and, can you believe she will be 3 months old on sunday?!? seriously! with each one, time seems to move faster. i am trying desperately to enjoy each and every second!


  1. i'm so glad you posted about this! i just added it to my bookmarks bar. HOORAY!

  2. Oh good!! I always need some hints when it comes to blogging!! The picture of Spencer is just precious!!
