Tuesday, February 3

to whom it may concern

dear mother nature,

i believe you have made some horrible mistake. or maybe i am trapped in a bad cold dream. it seems you have forgotten that i live in the "midsouth". it is here that we have ridiculously long and humid and hot summers; very short, blink and you miss them springs and falls, and mild might snow once winters. this has been the pattern for as long as i can remember. so, why must you change your mind now? are you angry at all al gore's fame? i know i think it is ridiculous too, but must you punish the rest of us just to prove your point. please, take pity on this precious new one that just entered the world.
should she look like an eskimo just to drop her sister and brother off at preschool? she has on more layers than one should. thank goodness she's not mobile yet because she wouldn't be after the way i dress her to keep her warm. not only are the temperatures ridiculously cold, but the wind, oh the wind, makes it feel worse. then, the rain and the snow-we have gone to preschool twice with snow on the ground. yes, i said on the ground! i know, i am being a bit melodramatic. okay, maybe more than a bit, but seriously. please, help me. i can't take it anymore. my skin is dry, my hair is static-y, my house is cold. i need sunshine and warm weather. soon. 

bitter & cold in tennessee

oh, and noggin, winter is not the most wonderfulest season.


  1. hahah, yes Moose A Moose doesn't live here so he really doesn't know, right?! I agree, the static is about to drive me wild, and I never thought I would ever ever wish for the hot memphis summer days!!

  2. Bless her little heart. This is too cute! / Grammie
