Friday, February 6

mawwage is what bwings us togetha today

carter has been obsessed with getting married for a while now. she is always telling me she wants to get married and tries to get miller to pretend they are getting married. (for a long time he said no, but he is coming around. poor little brothers being bossed around by their older sisters!) 

it is not uncommon for carter's preschool teachers to brag about something she created. when i was teaching next door (before spencer was born), they would frequently come over to show me something she had made. if you know carter, you know she loves to create-kinda like her momma, i guess. so, anyway, one day i was greeted at the door by ms.carla telling me i had to see what carter had made. she was right. it was precious. when i asked carter what is was, she said, "me and milluh getting mawwied." 

i love it! i love the detail. i love the hands glued together! i love that she loves her brother. and, i love the stage when girls want to marry their daddies and brothers because they love and look up to them so much. one day, somebody will have mighty big shoes to fill!


  1. Ok -that is really too sweet!! I hope her teacher's told you what else she said about marriage today ;)

  2. That is so sweet! I can so hear her saying that in her sweet dialect....

  3. i have an award for you over at my blog today!
