Sunday, December 14


it has actually become a joke with my blogging buddies when something funny or out of the ordinary occurs, someone will say, "oh, you have to blog about that" or "that's one for the blog!" well, i am the worst at these types of events because i am perpetually behind in blogging. i blame that partially on my husband and the fact that he does not release photos to me until he is pleased with them, and partially on me because i just don't feel like there are enough hours in the day to get done everything i want to get done. so, here are a few stories from the past couple of weeks.
* i know anyone who has ever been visibly preggers understands that it somehow gives anyone the right to comment on your body whether appropriate or not. like the random man in his forties shopping alone at target who recently told me how cute my belly was-inappropriate! or, last week when i was shopping alone at a major dept store and a woman shopping next to me looked up and said, "oh, look honey, it's mary!" no, she didn't know me from the doctor's office, she meant as in the mother of Jesus! once again, inappropriate!
*my children have been on a roll lately. josh and i were discussing a possible present in the fisher price little people nativity we own. i told him i was hesitant because the newer one played music and the star lights up. josh said, "what does it play, away in a manger?" and began to hum in an extremely obnoxious manner. carter perks up from where she is playing and says, "no, daddy, they do it in a pretty voice, like this." and begins to hum herself!

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