Wednesday, December 24

storytime with santa 12.09

one of our absolute favorite things to do each christmas is visit the enchanted forest the evening they have storytime with santa. the kids wear their christmas pajamas, santa reads a couple of stories, and then it's time for doughnuts and chocolate milk (and peanut butter cookies, but that is a whole other soap box!) after the sugar high is achieved, you can tour the enchanted forest and visit with santa. carter actually asked to go this year because it is one of the things she remembers about christmas last year. i think it is a curse and a blessing that we have reached the age of remembering. but we don't mind this memory! 

miller and his friend, addy, listening to santa read.
not sure if he will win the sleepiness fight!
it is so fun to see the magical trance each child develops as they walk through the forest. it makes me sad that as i get older, i see things for what they are and not what they were meant to be. that is why i love to see things with my children because everything is so miraculous, especially at christmas.
look at that little belly!
miller and avery obsessed with the train
an interesting perspective
waiting for their turn with santa
how sweet is she!
this time it was miller who had to be coaxed into santa's lap, but a candy cane will always do the trick!

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