Sunday, December 28

gift exchange 12.20

because we know our children are even worse than us about waiting to give someone a gift, we decided the saturday before christmas we would split up and take them shopping for their sibling. then, we met back at our favorite pizza place for dinner before returning home to exchange gifts. when i asked carter what she wanted to get miller, she said she wanted to get him new paint, markers, crayons and paper because she knew he loved to make things. how thoughtful! i was very impressed. josh helped steer miller in a few directions, and then he chose what he wanted to get her. carter got miller new crayons, markers, paint, paper, a toy story color wonder set and a diego metal lunchbox. his gift was quite large because i started to feel bad that he was getting stuff that needed to be replaced anyway. miller got carter fancy nancy shoes and a crown. we tried hard all through dinner to explain not to share your surprise yet. carter suggested we wrap it while they had dessert. so, josh and i are in the bedroom wrapping their gifts and carter yells, "miller said he bought me shoes and a clown!" and miller immediately yells back, "NOT a clown!" it was too funny! they loved what the other picked out and it was so sweet to see them really put thought into giving each other a gift.


  1. Carter and Miller are so precious, Maribeth! I love your stories and photos of them. What a wonderful way to chronicle these invaluable days that go by way too quickly!

    We're thinking of you and baby girl!!!!
    Lots of Love from Kansas City,
    Cousin Stacy

  2. look at those little smiles! so sweet
