well, we have not reached that point yet, but we did have a small bump in the road. on sunday afternoon and monday i was having low ligament type pain combined with lower back pain. when i called to see if i should be concerned, they didn't hesitate to say yes and to come in right away. they thought i might be in labor. labor?? are you serious?? i absolutely lost it. i cried the entire way there. we are not ready. she is not ready. several hours, an exam and a stress test later, they said everything looked good, but that didn't mean i couldn't go into labor after i got home. (thanks for the security!) many of you know that my husband has been working like a crazy person. one look at his blog makes you wonder if he ever sleeps much less has a day off. fyi, he doesn't. the last day off he had was this one. and i mean the.last.day.off. so, we ask for your prayers. prayers for a healthy baby. prayers for a 39+ week delivery. prayers for a healthy, sane mommy. prayers for time. time to prepare for our sweet girl. time to play with our precious children and enjoy our family before we become a larger family. the bottom line is this: i know that God's timing is perfect, that he knows what we need best and that regardless of how and when she enters the world, it will be in his perfect plan.
we thank you. also, there is another more critical situation we know needs your prayers. please read about it here. please pray God will heal elizabeth's skin and her body.
ReplyDeletepraying for you and baby flower right now.
Saying a prayer for you all - if you need anything let me know! You know GiGi and I would be thrilled to have the kiddos over for a play date :)
ReplyDeleteThinking and praying for you right now! I'm sending good vibes from the desert! Hang in there baby girl and Mama!