Sunday, October 5

fishies, fishies everywhere

a couple of years ago, atlanta opened a huge aquarium that is supposed to be the biggest and best. each time we visit, we discuss going, but we have never had the time or thought the kids would get enough out of it to pay the crazy admission. but, this time, we felt differently and we felt like it might be awhile before we felt that way again. so, on sunday, we all got up early and met uncle john at the aquarium which is on the opposite side of town from the malahys. the kids loved it, as did all of us, but it was crazy full of people due to the holiday weekend which made it a bit like visiting disney world with admission lines and crowds. thank goodness we went early!

carter, miller & mommy at the jelly fish exhibit
carter & ruthie (of course, ruthie came along)
this tank went all the way up over your head so that is why both kids are looking up
miller and a friendly fish that kept swimming up to the glass at miller
uncle john & miller with the penguins
miller watching the beluga whales
carter playing on the moving sidewalk that went through another giant tank that went all the way up and over your head & my growing belly
this picture is truly worth a thousand words
what you may or may not see:
*carter still playing on the moving sidewalk
*miller exhausted enough to agree to ride on the back of the stroller
*ruthie's feet sticking out from the front seat of the stroller. my precious father pushed this stroller through most of the aquarium with only ruthie riding in the front seat. you have never seen more bizarre looks than when a grown man pushes a stroller with a doll in it. apparently most people didn't see him as the sweet papaw pushing his granddaughter's new beloved american girl doll, but as a crazy old man.
*me trying to warn josh that a man with the absolute worst body odor EVER in history was right behind him. no, i am not being ridiculous, we all get on the "people mover" as we are tired from our long, long trip through the aquarium. as we are going through the tank, the man behind me lifts his arms to record this amazing trip and i almost vomited everywhere. i know i am super sensitive to smells right now, but this was crazy. of course everyone thought it was just my pregnant nose until he got near them and then . . . seriously, i have never in my life smelled anything like this and i really, really hope to never smell anything like it again. 

we had a very full, fun filled day. when we left the aquarium, we went to ikea and walked around some more. crazy, i know. but, we thought we needed to squeeze it all in since it will probably be awhile before we go back!

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