Saturday, September 13

spiderman, spiderman

does whatever a spider can! who is that masked man, you ask! why, it is our very own miller who's meme thought he needed some boy friendly dress up clothes. i guess she didn't think a snow white dress and jasmine shoes were suitable for our little boy. hey-they are both blue, right, miller? so, at a trip to party city to pick up birthday party supplies for carter's birthday, she found this costume for $5. we found the smallest size (4-6) and before we could even make a decision, someone had the package open and mask on. miller took off running through the aisles screaming "spiderman, spiderman!" to anyone he could see until he busted it on the floor. so, he still has a little to learn about how to line up the eye holes so you can see. anyway, this is definitely $5 well spent as far as this little boy is concerned! come on, say it with me . . . 

"spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can!"

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