Wednesday, September 3

does miller have a twin?

the next morning we headed back over to destin and spent some time at the beach with all the family. if you haven't been to florida this summer, the jellyfish were horrible. they were everywhere. big, nasty blobs of stinging jelly everywhere. several of us got stung by the babies, but luckily we just buried the big ones in the sand as they washed ashore. 
papa joe, carter, grammie & miller
mommy, carter & grammie watching papa joe & miller play in the waves
and, miller and ramon playing in the sand. since miller was born, everyone says he looks like his daddy. i have always thought he looked like my daddy. not that i don't want him to look like josh, but there is just no photographic evidence of such a similarity-until this week at the beach. miller must look like his daddy because he looks just like the 6 month younger twin of his cousin, ramon. seriously, when i met ramon in person the first day i was struck by how much i thought he looked like miller. then his mother emily said the same thing. as the day progressed, they were mistaken for one another. it is not just their faces, but the shape of their heads (sorry, ramon!) and length of their necks. it was crazy! so much so that when we showed everyone pictures of the reunion, they would laugh or smile at something ramon was doing in the picture and i would say " umm, that's not miller. that's ramon." and they were stunned too. this is the best picture we got of the two of them-what do you expect they are 2 & 2 1/2. now, if only miller spoke spanglish like ramon! it is too cute! josh just wanted to sit and listen to him . . . and his father say ramon & tomas. (fyi: they live in panama-like the country, not the city!) 

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