Saturday, September 13

another trip to the zoo 08.13

after being home from the beach for just a few days, it was finally cool enough to take a trip to the zoo. the kids had been asking to go, but it was just too hot. so, we headed that way when we got a call from the tillmans asking what we had planned for the day. they were calling to see if we wanted to go to the zoo too, so we met at the front gate. the kids were so excited because it had been almost 60 hours since they had last seen each other! 

after a visit to the polar bears and sea lions, they all crawled into this little space begging to have their picture taken. i know most people want a picture of everyone looking at the camera and smiling. those are nice too, but these are my favorite kind of pictures-they ooze with personality. you can see the sweet relationship these three have together. and, yes, they are dressed alike . . . and, no, we didn't plan it. it actually happens quite often. just another example that these mommas have great style and very similar taste.
miller saying "cheese!"
so, so sweet!
all smiles!
sea captain miller leading the way.

we had so much fun and were exhausted especially after the rest of our trip through the zoo!

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