Thursday, August 21

a day with daddy 07.05

since my parents moved back and i don't have a nursing child, i have been wanting to go to garage sales and estate sales with my mom on saturday morning. this is something i grew up doing with them and enjoyed as i got older. as many of you know, josh and i have a love for old homes and we love to find things that could have been original to a home this age and meld it into our decor. this is the first time i have gotten to go since i had children, so that meant a morning entertained daddy. 

josh decided to take the kids to mcdonald' to get a diet coke as we were out. after getting them dressed and loading up the car, he changed his mind and grabbed his camera as they headed to mud island. this is something they had never done-how fun!

here they are on the ride across.
"hey, look, we live right there!"
then, they got to get their feet wet. i love in all of these pictures how cute miller's reactions are and how he keeps looking at his sister's feet.

look at his curled toes!

a side note: if you shop with me and you are looking at carter's shirt and thinking something isn't right, you are correct. josh rarely dresses our children. on saturday mornings, he takes them to the grocery store in their pajamas. carter is allowed some freedom in choosing her clothes as she is quite good at it. on this day, she picked this outfit and after putting her shorts on, asked her daddy for help. he said there were too many strings and he didn't know how to tie it. ummm, not like that! so, instead of tying it on her shoulders, he made it a halter! look at the first picture again to see how he corrected the problem of "too many strings". i couldn't help but laugh at his attempt. and now, we have all these precious pictures as a memory. in a decade or so, i am sure we will harass him about the time he tried to help carter get dressed. just wait!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!!! I've been waiting to see this picture.

    The top is definitely...uh...sassier tied that way, huh!?!
