Tuesday, July 1

memphis italian festival 05.30

josh and i were introduced to the italian festival when we first moved into east memphis. then, almost 3 years ago, we bought our current home and were introduced into the insanity of the italian festival. every year from the last thursday in may to the last saturday in may, we cannot back out of our driveway, drive down our street, or even be in the area without expressing frustration. frustration that people have descended upon our neighborhood like it is a bar on a downtown street. see, we live just a few blocks from the park, so people use our street to park and walk as it is closer than parking across the street at the major shopping center. but, it is eye opening because people are inconsiderate of the fact that it is still a neighborhood. people walk down mt.moriah/mendenhall like it is a sidewalk. we are only allowed to go down some streets one direction. people are outside our house at all hours of the night. you get the picture. but, we still love the actual festival. so, this year, we decided to go on friday as a play date. so, everyone met here and we walked in the heat to the festival.
emma got her nails painted
miller had to play game after game so he could win the "big" prize. finally, i just went up and asked what duck to pick to get to pick a prize out of that box so we could move on. fyi: he still has the toy and does play with it.
carter made a necklace and had her face painted. and yes, she looks miserable. that day she was determined to pick her own outfit and chose something that was not conducive to the ridiculous heat that day.
avery & miller watching the kidsteam carts. i felt so bad that miller couldn't ride them, but they had to be hand peddled and it cost $4 per a few times around the small track. but, aren't they cute?


  1. I love your blog. Oh my goodness your pictures are fantastic. The kids look so sweet. by the way southern mama is my blog name. It's me--Anne W.

  2. just looking at the kiddos in those pictures reminds me of how stinkin' hot it was that day. WOW!
